Live An Intentional Life





returns October 2024!

Be first to hear about it's return - and all the specials of launch week - by getting on the waitlist!

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The ultimate time management course TIMEWISE will take you from busy and burnt out, to feeling at ease and accomplished.

TIMEWISE will teach you exactly how to focus on the meaningful activities and bring more joy back into your life.

Beyond a productivity resource, TIMEWISE covers mindset and perceptions, values and priorities, cognitive science, and most importantly *practical tools* that work to plan out your time and end the day feeling like you’re winning at life.   

Never have time for the important stuff?

You might be a busy parent who is struggling to juggle the elusive “work-life balance,” or you might have a stressful job that has you burning the candle at both ends. TIMEWISE is the perfect course to help you get back to enjoying your life with ease, and still get sh*t done.

Think you’re "too busy" for a time management course?! 

I get it – you’ve got so much on your plate, how are you going to fit in a course?

I’ve got you. The course is broken down into small modules, and the first one takes you through exactly how to MAKE time for this important information. 

The truth is, if you don't prioritise making changes, nothing will change.



You Read That Right

You have 48 hours to check out ALL the modules after purchase to decide if the course is right for you.  If it's not what you expected, I'll give you a full refund.

You can buy the course risk free

Learn from

Dr Natalie Barre

I take the best scientific findings and get rid of the rest, and deliver it to you in an easy to understand format so that you can start making changes today.

I'm a former Clinical Neuropsychologist turned Time Management Coach. I’m here to bring you everything I know about the science of time management so that our brains don’t take us into overwhelm.

Get off the hamster wheel and start crafting the life of your dreams.

Imagine what TIMEWISE will do for your life...

Beyond a productivity resource, TIMEWISE covers mindset and perceptions, values and priorities, cognitive science, and most importantly *practical tools* that work to plan out your time and end the day feeling like you’re at winning at life.   

TIMEWISE is an online course that you can digest at your own pace, so that you can get out of “busy-mode” and learn how to prioritise the tasks that align with your way of life.

Priced at $397, you'll have lifetime access and be able to revisit the course anytime

You’ve probably heard a lot of tips before: write a to-do list, turn off notifications, set a timer.  But if time management was that easy you would have mastered it already!

All the best scientific research combined with my years helping clients optimise their cognitive skills is my secret-sauce to supporting you.

Tired of Googling time management strategies, only to find they don’t work for you?

What's included?

Let's take a look at the modules


Start here

Super important info if you think you don't have time for a time management course!


Values and Priorities

The most important foundation to thinking about how you will use the fixed amount of time you have in a day.  Check out my take on the values exercise.


Your Mindset

Learn a new way of thinking about time - your understanding of this and your language is everything!


Your Life on Paper

How and why you need to get everything out of your mind and onto paper - or a digital format (I talk about both options!)



Whether you're a "planner" or not, learn how to set up your week for success - even if there are interruptions.



All the best cognitive science is here - learn all about multitasking (hint: it's bad!), and distractions.



Procrastinators - this one's for you.
Important to know: People aren't "procrastinators" - sometimes people do "procrastinate" however, and we can deal with this.


Bringing it all Together

My final thoughts on time management, lifestyle, and this one wild and precious life you have.

Easily digestible
Lifetime access
Frameworks backed by science

Time management is not the same as over-scheduling

I know you're looking for more
> Ease
> Accomplishment
> Relaxation
> Time with family
> and space to breathe!

TIMEWISE is here to bring all that back for you, by teaching you how to get the important things done without the constant rushing.

I can't wait for you to dive into TIMEWISE

- Natalie xo