Live An Intentional Life





Busy and Burnout to Relaxed and Productive

Get your FREE copy of
"Three Things You Need to Know About Time Management"
and learn science-backed strategies to craft the life of your dreams.

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I mean, if time management was that easy, we'd have mastered it already, right?

Former neuropsychologist turned time management coach, my expertise uniquely helps to bring my clients the best level of success.

I created Live An Intentional Life because I believe in living and acting with intention, to craft the life of your dreams.  Each moment added together creates a life, so let’s make sure we’re taking the right actions. 

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"  This quote by Mary Oliver has guided me through the most difficult of times, and now I want to share what I know with you.   

I'm Dr Natalie Barre
