Today I want to tell you all about how you can make really big changes in your life, and to craft the life of your dreams. We’re going to dive deep into my time management course TIMEWISE which is open NOW! If you are listening to this during TIMEWISE week – that’s October 7th to 11th 2024, then please be aware that there are some very special offers available for you which I’ll explain more at the end, but for now, let’s go!
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Picture this: You are a working parent who is shouldering the demands of a family, a job, and maybe even a side business, and you get to the end of a work day exhausted, with all the mental load running through your mind keeping you from getting that precious sleep you so desperately need. Your weekends are full of family obligations, and scrolling on social media or watching Netflix to relax, and you get to Sunday night thinking where the heck did the weekend go – and I’ve gotta start it all again tomorrow morning. When will it end? When do I have me-time? Do I get to socialise or do something that fills my cup?
This is your life on autopilot – and it’s where I was in my life a few years ago. I was burning the candle at both ends, and I was trying to do more and more just to keep from drowning, but it meant that I wasn’t really doing what was fulfilling for me.
Now I’ve told my personal story in a previous podcast episode, episode 2, but I will say here that in the few years after my marriage ended, I had to completely re-conceptualise what I thought my life was going to be like, and that process led me to this completely different life I lead now. That life experience, combined with my expertise in cognition that I got during my previous career as a neuropsychologist, has lead me to create my own framework around time management based in science- the Intentional Life Framework. It’s this framework that is the basis for my time management course TIMEWISE, and it’s exactly why TIMEWISE is so much more than just time management hacks.
The framework is holistic, and so it helps you take a birds-eye look of your life, both where you’re at right now and where you want to go. It’s also not just a prescriptive list of things you must do – one of the core premises of TIMEWISE is that you are going to work out what’s meaningful for you, and this will look completely different to the next person. Different people also learn differently, and so there is some exploration of that as well, so that you can tailor the steps to your own way of processing information.
I speak to a lot of people who are overwhelmed, who are drowning in their to-do list, who are hustling and racing through the day to try and make ends meet and juggle all the demands of life. It’s exhausting. And often it’s hard to see even where to start making changes. I know that you’re trying all the things, trying so hard to get it right and get stuff done, but when you’re experiencing life like this, you don’t know what you’re doing wrong.
The benefit of having the course is that it’s a step-by-step program, so that you know exactly how to reassess everything, and then you’ll see and learn a new way of doing things. There’s no more googling time management hacks, there’s no starting a new habit tracker and then only filling in three days, there’s no setting goals or new years resolutions on a piece of paper and then never looking at them again. No. Stop that. Because the course is holistic, and takes a holistic look at your life and your desires, then by the end of the course you’ll know exactly where the difficulties are for you, you’ll know how to fix them, and you’ll have good routines in place to support your ideal lifestyle and time management.
Ready to dive straight in? Join TIMEWISE now.
Now let me explain what I believe time management is and is not. Time management can get a bit of a bad wrap, because some people believe that it’s just about being more and more productive so that we can cram more into our day. And we have this really rigid schedule that we have to stick to and can never be interrupted! And it just seems either not realistic, or can be seen as lacking spontaneity.
But I see time management a little differently. I see time management as being a way to prioritise what’s important to you, so that you can take action with intention, and therefore live an intentional life – which is the name of my business because I believe so whole-heartedly in this.
When you are doing tasks that cause you to think “why was I wasting time on that?”, like maybe scrolling socials, or “the day got away from me” because maybe you procrastinated, or even “I wish I wasn’t doing this” like maybe doing cleaning that could be delegated to someone else, then this is a sign that you need to re-assess. You’re going to be doing something with your time every hour of the day anyway, so why whittle it away doing unintentional things when you can be working towards goals, doing something fun and new, and resting and relaxing? I don’t want you to be living life asleep, asleep to the calling of your heart and asleep to what is possible for you.
I know that this time management course will take you from busy and burntout, to relaxed and productive. You want to get to the end of the day feeling at ease, knowing that you got the important work done and worked towards your goals. Let me teach you about the science of time management and the way your own brain works, so that you don’t waste another day feeling stuck.
So in TIMEWISE I cover a range of topics, and they all come together in the Intentional Life Framework. This framework has three parts, and conveniently they all start with P – Purpose, Priorities, and Planning. Before we even start learning about planning, there is the work we do before that so that we’re really setting the scene and working out what’s important to you.
Now I want to take you into more detail around what’s actually in the course, so you can make an informed decision about whether this is or is not right for you. So let’s go through the content.
The first part of the course is the Purpose section of the Intentional Life Framework. The purpose section asks what is the purpose of what I’m doing everyday? It’s less about your life purpose which can be quite a big question for some people, and we want to get much more specific here. Part of this section is dreaming. Dreaming is so important, without this we really can’t move forward in the right direction because we don’t know what the direction is. We may be stuck for years following someone else’s path because of “shoulds” or comparing yourself to others. Pausing and assessing allows us to see things we might not have seen when we’re actually in it. So I take you through a whole set of exercises to look at this.
We also look at values, and I actually believe that there are two different types of things that people refer to as values, which can make it a little confusing, there are feelings or qualities, and then there are life elements, and so by working through what matters to you in each of these areas, you can get so much clearer when we work through priorities.
I have a module on mindset work. This can be a sneaky one, because you might think that time management is only about actions, but our beliefs govern our actions, and so without an awareness of what we’re thinking, and steps to change it, then we can’t comfortably change the actions that we’re taking. And if we don’t change then nothing will change. So mindset is key, and you will have seen this if you have downloaded my free guide on time management from the website.
After we go through this foundational work, the final task in the Purpose section is to lay out an ideal week. This task is a gamechanger, because you will literally be able to see everything that you do. This is powerful because your days make up your life. If you’re not doing something in a given week, then it’s not really part of your lifestyle. What do you want your lifestyle to look like?
The way I take you through this task means that you will create a realistic and sustainable week, with all the mundane tasks that you have to do, and and all the things that are meaningful and interesting to you, and sleep and free time! This is not the perfect week or a fun week when you’re on holidays. It’s a blueprint for how you want your life to look. Now you might be thinking well, that’s great to have an ideal plan, but how do we stick to that? How do we achieve that? Well, this is where section 2 of the Intentional Life framework comes in.
Section 2 is Priorities, and here I take you through a clear instruction on how to actually prioritise all the things that you want to do and all the things that you need to do. This is also where we start learning about the brain, specifically your cognitive function or thinking skills. I teach you about your information processing style and your working memory, so you can use this information to best go over everything that’s going on for you. The first section Purpose really laid out everything that is in your life, and what you’re aiming for, and then this section is about taking all of that information and prioritising it without getting overwhelmed!
The third and final section of the Intentional Life framework is Planning, and this is where the course really shines and delivers for you, because it actually teaches you how to plan, even if you don’t consider yourself a planner. I teach you the science of planning, what works and what doesn’t, and I do it in a way that actually considers what real life is like. Real life is full and messy and unpredictable and full of interruptions. If planning was about making a rigid schedule when every second of the day was filled, then no one would ever stick to their plan and we’d all just be flying by the seat of our pants through life and never actually getting anywhere. Without a sense of direction or purpose or effective action, then life feels very unfulfilling and this is when we can burnout and our mental health can really take a nosedive.
The Planning section of the Framework gets you into taking action – and not just any action or busywork, but the RIGHT action. The actions that are important, the actions that feel good, and the actions that get you to where you want to go. In this module I cover seven key planning principles that are really easy to apply, and I also teach you more about the brain, about focusing, about multitasking (hint: it’s bad), and about procrastination. This is a big one, because many of us feel like we are “procrastinators” as if it’s a fixed part of our identity and we just can’t change it. But there is scientific evidence that we can change this because it’s just a behaviour, and like any other behaviour, we can change it. So I have included some evidence-based strategies to reduce procrastination.
Those are the main elements, and there is so much more as well.
Now there is a lot in there, but like I said it’s a really holistic look at where your life is at and where you want to be, and because of the way it’s laid out, it’s a simple step-by-step program that can be done bit by bit. Each lesson is quite short, like only a few minutes, and then you want to set aside some time to write down your ideas from that lesson, so again it’s really easy to go through even though it’s a very profound process.
Now one of the biggest problems I hear from my audience is that I don’t have time for a time management course. It’s ironic right?! But it’s also so true, the reason you feel overwhelmed is precisely because everything feels a bit too much, and the thought of taking a course might just seem out of reach. But to that, I want to really get you think about what you’re telling yourself. Are you holding yourself back by saying “I don’t have time?” Are you putting it off because change feels hard? Are you short-changing yourself because you’re only just barely hanging on right now and jamming another thing in just won’t work?
Let me tell you that you have an obligation to yourself to make a new choice. To take a different step than what you otherwise might have. By getting all the resources you need in one package, you avoid all the time you might otherwise have wasted trying idea after idea that didn’t work, and just put you back at square one. It’s time to invest in you, and to do so you simply start at the start – with module 1 lesson 1, and a notebook. I know for a fact that you have 5 minutes in a day to do this important work, even if it doesn’t feel like it. Future you will thank you for it.
And if you want accountability, or at the very least a plan of attack, I have started the 10 minutes at 10 club, where every day at 10am you listen to one lesson that only goes for a couple of minutes, and take notes. This will help you form the habit, and you’ll also know that other people that are taking the course are doing it with you! If you are in the course and are interested in a community aspect, do get in touch because this may be something I consider implementing in 2025.
I created the time management course TIMEWISE for busy humans, and it’s usually working parents but doesn’t have to be, who are feeling overwhelmed, stuck and like life is travelling along too fast, and who are ready to take different actions to craft the life of their dreams. It’s for people who want to get out of hustle and out of procrastination and inaction. This course is not for you if you are really happy with what your lifestyle looks like, you are perfectly productive, and you are not willing to spend a few minutes each day or each week prioritising you and where your life is headed.
You need to know that the course actually doesn’t cover goal-setting specifically. There is a really common framework called the SMART framework that is used to help you set goals, and I have not included this – this is something you can easily look up and you don’t need to pay an expert for it. I think that there are important elements to goal setting in addition to the SMART framework, and if goal setting is your main focus, then I would suggest buying the 2025 IL digital planner from the online store, because this explains my take on setting and achieving goals. BUT if you want a comprehensive look at all of your time management including goal setting, you actually get the 2025 planner for free when you buy TIMEWISE during the relaunch week which I’m calling TIMEWISE week, so October 7th to 11th 2024. I just wanted to make sure you were really clear on that.
If you want a couple more particulars about the course, you will have lifetime access to the course, which means you get full access to the course as soon as you invest, and you keep your access for the life of the course. Now I believe in this course so much, that there is also a full money-back guarantee. Yep! You have 48 hours to see all the lessons, and if you think the course is not what you want, I’ll give you a full refund. Now hopefully if you’re listening to this episode you will be very clear on what the course will do for you, so you shouldn’t need it, but it is there so that you can buy this time management course risk free.
I’m so excited for you to dive into TIMEWISE! If you are listening to this during TIMEWISE Week, from Oct 7 to 11 2024, then you can grab some really valuable bonuses. So, the first 10 people to purchase will get TWO 1:1 coaching sessions with me so you can talk everything through, and messaging support from me personally via either Voxer or Instagram. Both of these offers can be used in the first 6 months after purchase, and of course I can only take a limited number because it is 1:1 coaching time. This is an incredible opportunity because it means we can work through things together and make lasting changes.
Then, everyone who joins during TIMEWISE Week gets 2025 Intentional Life digital planner in the colour of your choice, and that planner includes my goal-setting framework which I mentioned before, so that will help you to plan out your goals and turn them into action steps inside the planner, so you actually achieve them! If you are not listening to this in real time, then you’ll be happy to know that after TIMEWISE week, the course will be open ongoing but the bonuses will be gone until I do another special, and these are usually once or twice a year. I urge you not to wait. We naturally put off change because it feels hard for our brain, our brain doesn’t like doing new things because our subconscious brain thinks they might be scary and it uses more resources to learn a new way. But I want you to counteract that by being aware of it, and then reminding yourself of your big motivation as to why you want to make changes, and then putting yourself in the shoes of future you, where you don’t want to still be doing the same things and feeling the same overwhelm.
I know that this course will change your life, because it’s changed mine. If you want me to answer any questions about TIMEWISE at all, please send me a DM on Instagram at or send me an email at I cannot wait for you to experience TIMEWISE and explore more of what the poet Mary Oliver asks us, which is “tell me what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life” I hope to see you inside TIMEWISE, and I’ll definitely see you again soon on the podcast. Bye for now!
I work and live on the land of the Woiworung people. Live An Intentional Life acknowledges and pays respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and Elders of this nation and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.